Monday, 26 June 2017

Hello! Project changes.

Hi everyone.
So as most of you know, the video finally announcing where the 3 girls from CG and the three KSS floating in the air aired today. And the results are.. well they are.

I can't say I'm disappointed, but I'm not really excited either. So I will try to make myself excited by reflecting here.

Let's start with the first that were announced in the video; the new members of Juice=Juice:

Former KSS: Danbara Ruru and former Country Girls: Yanagawa Nanami.

I'll say this before I change my mind, Juice=Juice was not a group I wanted to change. I wasn't particularily fond of them, I didn't hate them, but I didn't want them to be another gen/grads group.
But alas, it was to be expected that they were to add new members.. and here they are.  Yanamin and Ruru, welcome to Ju=Ju.

Ruru I don't have a problem with here.. she fits the mature, strong vocalled image of JJ perfectly, and might bring some competition to Karin and Sayubee as the powerhouses. So.. yay. But Yanamin. Yanamin was my favourite CG member along with Chisaki, but I do not see her in JJ. She is smol, cute, and extremely idol-like. Doesn't fit JJ's current image at all tbh. But she's there now, and I guess I have to look forward to how they use her in the group. If they shaft her, I am suing. I guess she is going to bring some great talking skills and freshness to JJ so they might change for the better. (And I will be forced to follow them now, as Yanamin is there.. so they have gained one new fan.. damn H!P for having their plans work exactly like they expected..)

Next announced was this:

Morito Chisaki.. my favourite CG member (along with Yanamin).. is in Morning Musume.. my favourite group. I should be ecstatic... but I'm not. Chii-chan is, with good reason, one of the popular members of Hello! Project right now. She is lovely, good at dancing and decent at singing. She great really. That's why I'm a little scared of putting her in MM. 13ki has just joined, and they have been pushed quite a lot. I, as a Yokoyan fan was really hoping to see her be pushed as the next face and/or ace of the group. But with Chisaki there, I'm afraid that both Kaedii and Yokoyan will be shafted. I would hate that.

On the other hand, Chiichan, who shone brightly in Country Girls, is going into a group full of girls where it won't be certain that she gets to shine as much. In CG, she was comfortable, goofy and adorable. In MM, she may be with time, but judging by her reaction, it might be a while. This could compromise her awesome ness, whilst simultaniously compromise the awesomeness of Yokoyan, Miki, Maria and Kaedii, the other rising stars of the Morning Musume.

But I have decided to support this idea until they give me a reason not to. I love Chiichan, I love Morning Musume 17. Why shouldn't I love them together?.

And finally, the last members to be added into existing groups:

Funaki Musubu, former CG and Kawamura Ayano, former KSS.

This. Is. Awesome.
Funaki, though I would have love to see her stay with her genmate and soulmate; Yanamin, I feel this is the perfect group for her outside CG. She is a powerful singer, aestheticlly different in a great way and, the most important thing: Craycray.
Ayano... well i don't know much about ayano except she had the balls to perform Mugen Climax and the KSS recitals. She is going to be great, I'm sure of it. And with the impending hiatus of beloved member, Aiai (please come back bby we love and miss you but also take care of youself and feel better ahh), I am SO PLEASED they added 2 members instead of one. This was it doesn't feel like a replacement, but simply an addition. The space in choreographies is still open for Aiai. They are still waiting for her. As are the rest of us.

But on top of these additions there was a new exciting announcement: THERE IS GOING TO BE A NEW UNIT WITH ICHIOKA REINA AS LEADER.
You know what this means?

I am excite. I am ecstatic. And I managed to make my peace with all of these decisions.

I hope you all did too.

Thank you for reading,
That is all.

Friday, 23 June 2017

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! MM'17 has no announcements to make at the end of their tour.

Hey everyone.

I am finally back home from Cap Verde with great internet and a functionning computer - and while it was a fantastic holiday, I am so glad to be home (though holy heck if it isn't warmer in this shithole of a country than fucking Africa, how is that even possible im dying help). 

So anyway, I woke up this morning to Morning Musume '17's concert being streamed live (yes I woke up late, I am slightly jetlagged, in Cap Verde  I woke up at 7:30 am, ok?) and I actually got into the livestream just as the lights were turned off and they started with a song from their newest (yet way too old. gimme something new now plz) single: Brand New Morning. Many had anticipated this concert, thinking there would be a huge announcement to be made, which isn't too weird considering MM never really livestreams unless there's something huge about to happen. Like 13ki for example (who were the last reason for a livestream). And considering H!P right now is kind of a mess with 3 KSS hanging over our heads with a debut announcement and nowhere to go and the poor girls from Country Girls being thrown into a new group as soon as Lord Momoko leaves despite their best efforts as CG, we all probably expected there to be some sort of clarification about what might happen to these 6 girls.

But alas, when the time for the last MC arrived and I was at the edge of my seat (not really, I was lying down in my bed.. but I was excited) waiting for this announcement to happen, it just.. didn't. In stead they announced the next tours name, which is "We Are Morning Musume", and then said their goodbyes with Happy Daisakusen and a fantastic performance of Bravo. And I am relieved. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have minded an announcement about some of the 6 girls joining, I love all of them and feel they could have a great impact on the group. But having a concert streamed like this, without it having to be about a graduation or a new generation.. it's just kind of.. nice.

It gave me a chance to see the group as it is now - with 13ki having just joined - in their fullest power, without having anything to take the light of it. When 13ki was announced I have to admit I don't remember what happened before or after the announcement in the concert, but here - it was all about that. Their performance, their improvement, their power. And I loved it. It really was just a great concert. My favourite part was the 13ki medley, because DAMN these two.. Yokoyan and Kaedii.. Thank you so much for joining the group, the both of you (I know it's not their choice and whatever, but still. I wanted to thank them for their brilliance) . Nonaka Miki was another great plus of this concert because damn she is hilarious. Everyone got to shine individually in this concert and I appreciate that, heck even Oharu got lines and was adorable. So yeah, all in all, I am so happy the concert was about the group, and not an announcement. The setlist could have used more variety imho, but it was upbeat and powerful.

So yeah, the big announcement to me, is WE ARE AWESOME. WATCH US BE AWESOME ALL OVER THE WORLD. And I think that is fantastic.

More livestreams for the hell of it, plz.

Ok that's all. thank you for reading :)

Monday, 12 June 2017


Well I didn't mean for two blog posts in a row to be about C-ute (still don't know how to make the Celsius thingy), but in my last one I wrote it thinking I wouldn't get to see their last concert.

I was wrong.
Despite the horrible internet, bad quality livestream and complaining grandma, I actually got to see C-ute's live from start to finish live. It actually ended less than an hour ago as I am writing this, and it has been the most emotional concert I have ever seen. I was overcome with every possible feeling one could feel: I was laughing, crying, smiling, crying some more, felt hopefull, cried some more, was in awe and then cried again. I knew the girls were talented, I knew they were beautiful and I knew how well they worked together - yet once again they completely floored me. The set list was amazing in my opinion - the only thing missing from it was one of their three new songs and I miss you.

Now that it's over, I don't think it has quite hit me that they are gone - I mean I have cried like a baby, but I'm still standing, which I didn't think I would be. I immediately got dressed into pink and yellow to honour Mai and Airi hahah. Then I listened to their playlist on my iPod and sang and danced along - their discography really is briliant, isn't it?

I don't know.. at this time I'm not really sad - more.. grateful, I think? Or happy.. or nostalgic. I'm not too sure. I took screenshots of the concert (would post them, but internet is too shit) and as I look through them I'm just smiling like an idiot. I mean, look at them. They're shining. They're happy. They're so pretty. Whoever styled them for this concert, hat's off to you my friend, because they really all were at their best. And it was such a good show. And those white, long dresses that turned into short white dresses? YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs

and the VTR showing all the good times they had... it was probably around then that I cried the most. It was so well made and showed the girls for the lovely goofballs they are.

I'm going to miss them so much, but at the same time I'm just so happy to have been one of those who knew them when they we're C-ute.

I hope they have a wonderful life from now on.

Thank you Team ℃-ute

Friday, 9 June 2017

A Love Letter to C-ute.

As I am sitting on my mother's terrace in Cape Verde looking at a mountain shaped like a human with a giant head, a tiny body and a boner, I feel very inspired. And what should one do when one is inspired? Write, of course. And what better to write about, than the wonderful Japanese idol group: C-ute (I don't know how to do the little round thing on the C), and their upcoming disbandment.
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left to right: Chissa, Naki, Maimi, Airi, Mai

Here's a problem though - I hate writing about it. I hate even thinking about it. Why? 
Because I completely, with every bone in my body resent the idea that they, in 2 days, will no longer be together as the group C-ute that I know and love. This may sound very dramatic, and possibly somewhat pathetic, but hey - I don't control how I feel (that well, anyway). And I'm pretty sure mourning the loss of ones favourite music groups is a pretty common thing. So yeah, that's what I'm doing. Mourning. And how can I not? Anyone who knows the group, knows how wonderful and talented the girls are - and how amazing they are together as C-ute. Starting off in 2005, they proved how amazing they are over and over again - hereby allowing them to keep their career for a good 12 years (which is basically 80 in idol years). 

I, however, didn't get to know them until 2012 with the release of Aitai Aitai Aitai Na, and by then, they had already become the 5 members they are today. Before that, I only knew of Morning Musume and Berryz Koubou, and I have to be honest - after getting to know BK, I quickly learnt about the competition/hatred between Team C-ute and Team BK. And even though I didn't care much for drama (ahhhhh the drama), I just stupidly assumed that this war existed because the two groups were so different that you couldn't enjoy one and like the other. I then took that... test... that pops up every once in a while, where you sort out who your favourites are from each group and in H!P as a whole, and there I stumbled upon a picture of Hagiwara Mai in her Aitai x3 na oufit, and all I could think was "what in all that is holy in the world, how can one person be so beautiful." And so I looked her up, and found out she was in this mysterious "C-ute with a weird o" group that I had heard so much shit about. I think my initial thought was "ohoh, how can I support her, if I don't like her group?". I then decided to listen to their newest song at the time and OOOOhohohohohoh boy was I surprised. That song was A.W.E.S.O.M.E. . And the members - Top tier, every single one of them. I remember being so pissed of at the BK fans for "keeping me away" from the group so long (even though let's be honest, if I wanted to listen to them, I could have just done so - but I was 16 and pregnant dumb) that lost interest in following that fandom at all. I still loved BK, and listened to their music when it came out, but I stayed away from their community (picture a dumb girl being extremely judgemental about a couple of comments she read online and then judging an entire fandom for it ... that was me.. yay) 
 Image result for hagiwara mai
Mai in Aitai Aitai Aitai Na outfit... she .. so pretty

It didn't take long from there for C-ute to become my favourite group alongside MM. With one awesome release after another, C-ute was definitely the group with the highest quality members and the best songs. MaiMai continued to be my favourite, but after a while had to share first place with Suzuki Airi. And while I never had much interest in Nakky and Maimi, the two mentioned and Chissa all ranked really highly on my overall favourite list- to the point where all three were in my top 10. I have, however, come to appreciate Maimi and Nakky lately, and I have never denied that they are incredibly talented girls. Including today, I have had C-ute written down as my favourite artists since 2013 - only one year after getting to know them (and in february!).
On top of that, after reading a article about Chisato admitting she was in love with Mai when they were kids, I was inspired to write my first ever fanfiction about the two of them, which later turned into being about the entire group and more. That story is now 26 pages long on word and ongoing. That's how inspiring they are. That's how amazing they are. That's how breathtakingly talented they are.

That's why it's going to hurt like hell when they aren't around anymore.

In the idol world there has never been a group like C-ute - and after their disbandment, there never will be again. They have everything. Every member is important- every member shines on their own:

Yajima Maimi
The face, the model, the inescapable beauty and the Leader.
Image result for yajima maimiImage result for yajima maimi
Maimi is perfection in human form, and anyone who tries to deny it is lying. With her feminine, strong facial expressions and her slender, athletic body (that is very well known for her perfect abbs) no one can deny the godlike aura around this girl. To me, it seems that she is both the dream girl - the one you always want but can never have, and the last girl - the wife - the one you instantly know you want to be with forever. This is due to her mixed aura of being unreachable on all fronts, but extremely welcoming and forgiving at the same time. It's no wonder she is so popular.

Nakajima Saki
The dancer, the girl next door, the performer.
Image result for nakajima sakiImage result for nakajima saki dance
With her unmissable dancing skills, Nakky is undoubtedly the best dancer H!P has every had. She is all the best dancers of Hello! Project x3, with an aura around her unlike any of the others (the only one to possibly come close is, imho, Manakan). I personally think this is partialy due to the fact that when seeing her for the first time, you can't possibly predict her amazingness. I remember seeing her for the first time, and thinking wow - she is definitely the "girly" girl of the group who turns "cool" when she dances, only to have my jaw drop when I saw the character I had built for her completely destroyed. When watching her dance, "girly cute" and "cool" becomes two completely interchangable things - which leaves me in a constant state of admiration.

Suzuki Airi
The Ace, the talent, the perfect idol. 
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No words can describe the perfection that is Suzuki Airi. She has the face of an angel and a voice that matches, only to be a happy, humble goofball on top of it. She kills me. She is the only idol I know who is perfect in every single aspect - but still feels relatable somehow. Airi feels like that helluva cute girl you have always known and been friends with who you one day find out is UNREASONABLY, UNFORGIVABLY TALENTED. hell, she, along with Mai and Eri, is the reason I figured out I was bisexual. It's a surprise to no one why she is the ace of C-ute and of H!P.  It's no surprise H!P is gathering so much talent at the moment so they all can get together and fill the HUGE-ASS-SHOES Airi is going to leave all on her own. Fuck I'm going to miss her so much.

Okai Chisato
The comedienne, the hardworker, the powerhouse.
Image result for okai chisatoImage result for okai chisato 2016
If there was ever an idol who deserved everything she has gotten, it is Chissa. Never have I seen such dedication and perserverance in working your way into the front lines. Never have I seen such talent being taken for granted until she took matters into her own hands and made things happen for herself. Never have I been more inspired by an idol. Because FUCK if Chisato isn't inspirational. From being, quite frankly, one of the funniest members of H!P  to being an incredible dancer and one hell of a singer, this girl has got everything. She is the powerhouse of the group. The one who feels like it would be almost degrading to call her and "idol", as she fits more into the category of "artists". And holy shit if she isn't the only member in the idol world who actually fits the word HOT.

and last but not least,
 Hagiwara Mai
The attitude, the underdog, the extra spice. 
Image result for hagiwara mai fierceRelated image
I have so much respect for this girl. She has been an idol since she was 6 years old. At SIX. YEARS. OLD. she had to sing and dance professionally - where I, as a six-year-old, had troubles spelling my own name. We literally watched this girl grow from being a chibi little thing with eye troubles and sunglasses, to being the fierce, beautiful girl she is today. To me, she is the most interesting character in the group, as she is - to many - the "bitch". She's the one who isn't afraid to speak out when something bothers her. She's the one who is the most open book of them all, wearing her heart on her sleeve. Everything about her feels like the last spice you put in your food to make it taste just right, and without her something is just.. wrong. She is cut-throat, in your face and I fucking adore her.

Considering I joined the C-ute fandom rather late, I never got to experience the three great girls: Arihara Kanna, Umeda Erika and Murakami Megumi - which is something I regret deeply. But I know someone out there remembers and treasures them all deeply, and if one of them were to one day read this, they should write everything they love about them. Because I want to learn.

As I finish writing this, I am a mess. I am bawling, snorting and all in all being really gross.
I really didn't help myself by listening to C-ute songs while writing this.. What was I thinking? I'm an idiot.

But to my dear C-ute, all I want to say is; 
Thank you. 
Thank you for your music.
Thank you for your dedication, 
for the smiles and the laughter you have brought. 
Thank you for coming to Europe, even though I didn't get to see you.
Thank you for caring about us outside of Japan.
Thank you to Airi and Mai for laughing at me when I stared at them at a train station with my jaw hanging at my knees.
Thank you for having existed
as indiviuals
and together.

Thank you so much for the last 5 years of my life.
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Image result for okai chisato smile

Oh look, my second blog post... centuries later.

So hi again.

I have not been good at having a blog. But I'm about to study creative writing, so I might as well practise on here. I have deleted all the old posts except for my first one because it is so cringy that I need to keep it. I don't know if I'll have a specific theme, I guess I'm just gonna write whatever I feel like. Though knowing myself, most of it will probably be idols and/or short stories anyway, so ayyyyyy for not changing since... 2013? Bruh.

It might be fun to talk to no one on here. I'm looking forward to it.
Either way, it's going to be a great way to evolve my writing.

Alright, bye for now. Here's hoping I do better this time.