Monday, 26 June 2017

Hello! Project changes.

Hi everyone.
So as most of you know, the video finally announcing where the 3 girls from CG and the three KSS floating in the air aired today. And the results are.. well they are.

I can't say I'm disappointed, but I'm not really excited either. So I will try to make myself excited by reflecting here.

Let's start with the first that were announced in the video; the new members of Juice=Juice:

Former KSS: Danbara Ruru and former Country Girls: Yanagawa Nanami.

I'll say this before I change my mind, Juice=Juice was not a group I wanted to change. I wasn't particularily fond of them, I didn't hate them, but I didn't want them to be another gen/grads group.
But alas, it was to be expected that they were to add new members.. and here they are.  Yanamin and Ruru, welcome to Ju=Ju.

Ruru I don't have a problem with here.. she fits the mature, strong vocalled image of JJ perfectly, and might bring some competition to Karin and Sayubee as the powerhouses. So.. yay. But Yanamin. Yanamin was my favourite CG member along with Chisaki, but I do not see her in JJ. She is smol, cute, and extremely idol-like. Doesn't fit JJ's current image at all tbh. But she's there now, and I guess I have to look forward to how they use her in the group. If they shaft her, I am suing. I guess she is going to bring some great talking skills and freshness to JJ so they might change for the better. (And I will be forced to follow them now, as Yanamin is there.. so they have gained one new fan.. damn H!P for having their plans work exactly like they expected..)

Next announced was this:

Morito Chisaki.. my favourite CG member (along with Yanamin).. is in Morning Musume.. my favourite group. I should be ecstatic... but I'm not. Chii-chan is, with good reason, one of the popular members of Hello! Project right now. She is lovely, good at dancing and decent at singing. She great really. That's why I'm a little scared of putting her in MM. 13ki has just joined, and they have been pushed quite a lot. I, as a Yokoyan fan was really hoping to see her be pushed as the next face and/or ace of the group. But with Chisaki there, I'm afraid that both Kaedii and Yokoyan will be shafted. I would hate that.

On the other hand, Chiichan, who shone brightly in Country Girls, is going into a group full of girls where it won't be certain that she gets to shine as much. In CG, she was comfortable, goofy and adorable. In MM, she may be with time, but judging by her reaction, it might be a while. This could compromise her awesome ness, whilst simultaniously compromise the awesomeness of Yokoyan, Miki, Maria and Kaedii, the other rising stars of the Morning Musume.

But I have decided to support this idea until they give me a reason not to. I love Chiichan, I love Morning Musume 17. Why shouldn't I love them together?.

And finally, the last members to be added into existing groups:

Funaki Musubu, former CG and Kawamura Ayano, former KSS.

This. Is. Awesome.
Funaki, though I would have love to see her stay with her genmate and soulmate; Yanamin, I feel this is the perfect group for her outside CG. She is a powerful singer, aestheticlly different in a great way and, the most important thing: Craycray.
Ayano... well i don't know much about ayano except she had the balls to perform Mugen Climax and the KSS recitals. She is going to be great, I'm sure of it. And with the impending hiatus of beloved member, Aiai (please come back bby we love and miss you but also take care of youself and feel better ahh), I am SO PLEASED they added 2 members instead of one. This was it doesn't feel like a replacement, but simply an addition. The space in choreographies is still open for Aiai. They are still waiting for her. As are the rest of us.

But on top of these additions there was a new exciting announcement: THERE IS GOING TO BE A NEW UNIT WITH ICHIOKA REINA AS LEADER.
You know what this means?

I am excite. I am ecstatic. And I managed to make my peace with all of these decisions.

I hope you all did too.

Thank you for reading,
That is all.

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